Meet Sabine

Clinical Hypnotherapist & Career Fulfilment Coach for Executives, leaders, and professionals.
National and International.

Sometimes Reaching Out For Help Can Be Daunting

Though moving forward on your own may feel even harder. You do not need to solve everything on your own!

Some clients come to me because they feel stuck, depleted, their work has ground them down and they do not know where to go from there. Also you may be struggling in your career, your role, or your life and feel stuck, stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or in the grips of panic attacks. Meaning, joy and excitement can sometimes feel stripped out of life. 

You may feel frustrated and doubt yourself, after changes in your career, a project that went majorly wrong or situations respectively people you feel attacked or intimidated by. You may be over feeling overwhelmed by anxiety or disempowered by panic attacks. You may be looking for how you can feel calm, confident and happy instead of constrained and paralysed by fear. 

Instead of struggling with what is derailing you, you can enjoy an exciting successful life and feel good, energised and fulfilled. You can recover from burnout, relieve anxiety, move towards how you want to live, and develop the work-life-balance that is right for you.

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I Am Here To Help You Overcome What Is In Your Way, So That You Can Create The Lifestyle You Want And Feel Good About Yourself!

Welcome to Turnaround Practice!

Hi, I’m Sabine. I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Professional & Career Fulfilment Coach. I am here to help you deal with mental health challenges from stress and anxiety to panic attacks and burnout. My mission is to work with you so that you can truly turn your life around from being in a dark place and feeling stressed out, anxious, lost, or unable to cope to get back on track and create the life you are really excited about.

At Turnaround Practice my goal is to help you find meaning, joy, excitement about life, passion for what you do, feeling good about yourself and who you are, as well as find the destination in your life that is better than you thought it could get.

In my corporate roles over the past eight years, I have been working with people who were struggling in their role or assignment, and I have helped them build their confidence, grow personally and professionally and be successful.

With a global experience in corporate life of more than twenty years I can relate first-hand to the experience and the context you may operate in. I have been in a wide range of roles and look back on good roles, amazing roles, tedious roles, awful roles that I wanted to run away from, and one where I actually did run away from.

I Help People Deal With Their Mental Health Challenges As I Once Struggled With Mine

Growing up in a family impacted by at times severe psychological distress I had touchpoints with anxiety, depression and trauma from an early age.
It was natural for me to work hard to get attention through achievements. Only as a mature adult did I learn what ‘good enough’ feels like.

I started my career in 1998 studying International Business and working in Finance in a number of different roles with the last one being in an ongoing crisis type of corporate environment. Within 10 years of my professional life, I had to acknowledge that this was not giving me any joy or meaning in life whatsoever. I was ground down and reasonably shattered when I came to the conclusion that sitting as a crying heap of a human is neither fun nor advisable. After six months of therapy and reflecting on life I found out what I was really excited about, how I wanted to live, what energises me and what I am passionate about.  I went back to University and have been working in consulting since 2014, facilitating big corporate transformation, innovation, coaching and training people for their professional and personal development.

So I can say, I have been there, done that in a number of aspects. I can relate to the strains and stress of feeling stuck in a job that is just not right and not realising it, pushing for promotion, trying to build a career, changing roles, changing jobs, moving countries, feeling ground down and ending up shattered at some point in the process – and then growing from there to find my passion and building my exciting life that I love. The year I turned my life around was also when the idea for Turnaround Practice was born. Fast forward ten years later, a lot of great and exciting things have happened.

While there is no silver bullet or magic wand to fix everything overnight and turn your life around to success, a well structured path and your commitment to walk along will help you get there step by step .

What It’s Like Working With Me

A bit about me as a person

I am originally from Austria, the country of Mozart and Sigmund Freud. Hence, I offer Hypnotherapy and Career Fulfilment Coaching in English and also in German.

From an early age on I have been fascinated by ‘what makes people tick’. I help people identify what they are feeling and uncover what’s under the surface, sometimes putting out in the open what is not being said. People who know me often say that I help others get back on track and move forward. I have been told that I am authentic, energetic, compassionate, encouraging, honest and have good humour when the time for it is right.

I am a down-to-earth person focusing on you, your goals and working on reaching them together. Our sessions follow a structure to ascertain a path to the best outcomes; the interventions and contents are tailored to you, and your individual needs, concerns and values.

My Professional Background

My Path to Meeting You Here Today
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I started my career in 1998 studying International Business and working in Finance as Finance Administrator of an EU project for education followed by a number of Finance & Controlling roles in various industries. Since  2014 I have been working in consulting in a wide range of roles and industries in the public and private sector. Looking back, my work highlights are working as Senior Transformation Advisor, Senior Change & Project Manager, Innovation Lead & Digital Transformation Manager, Training & Workshop Facilitator and Executive Coach in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, USA, Singapore and Australia.

I am internationally trained in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Coaching in Australia, Austria and Germany. I hold a Diploma of Hypnotherapy, a Diploma of Hypno-Coaching, a Diploma in Coaching, Organisational & Personnel Development, and a Diploma in Psychotherapy Pre-study.

I also hold a Master of Arts in Business for Project Management & Organisation and a Bachelor of International Business Administration.

Let’s Discover How I Can Help

Ready to turn your life around and get onto the path to the life you want? 
Schedule yourself in my online scheduler today. In your free 30-minute call you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.