Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you get started and understand how the process works, we’ve included the answers to our most frequently asked questions below.

Do you accept insurance?
My Hypnotherapy and Hypno-Coaching programs are not part of any insurance cover.
Are you working online or face-to-face?
I am offering online one-on-one sessions via video calls.
How long are therapy sessions?
My therapy sessions are 45–50-minutes.
How do I schedule my free consultation?
You can schedule your free consultation via my self-scheduler. I may send you forms, assessments or questionnaires to fill-in in preparation for the free consultation.
What should I expect during my first Hypnotherapy session?
In the first session, you describe your situation and we start working with your intake form resp. assessment or questionnaire. We will record your feelings, thoughts and behaviours in more depth as well as explore your personal history. You will identify your triggers, automatic behaviours or habits that are detrimental, so that you get a good understanding of your autopilot and can work towards dropping what no longer serves you.

For the path forward you will identify the goals and outcomes you want to achieve. You will also start here to experience therapy under hypnosis to take the first steps towards altering thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a state of relaxation and focused attention.

How often should I have a therapy session?
One session every week or every other week is recommended to build on each other, continuously work towards outcomes and get the most out of the sessions for effectively relearning and rewiring your brain.
What type of therapy do you use?
I use Hypnotherapy, which is a form of therapy that uses counselling and psychotherapy tools under hypnosis for you to most effectively deal with your issue and concerns. It is specifically aiming to help you build your inner balance, make life decisions, and help you to establish how you want to live so that you experience joy. It also helps you to resolve inner conflict and to alter beliefs that are holding you back so that you can move forward to achieve your goals and desired life.
What is your cancellation policy?
I understand that things in life happen and sometimes schedules change. If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please do so 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged the full session fee for the scheduled appointment.

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Ready to make the first step to turn things around and get better? 

There is a time to focus on yourself rather than on your work or others’ expectations. It is about getting back on track, finding balance, and turning things around. It is also an opportunity to learn from, to resolve what led you to this point and to create a life which is better than you thought it could get.