Work With Me

I help Executives and high-performing professionals deal with burnout, anxiety, and stress, so that they can enjoy a successful life again and feel good about themselves. Nationally & Internationally.

Get Excited About Life Again

It is hard to achieve something that you can’t imagine.

Some clients say, “if I knew what I wanted and how to get there I would have done it already”, or “There is no way out of where I am now, I do not know what to do.”. 

Sometimes life feels like a battle and your challenges might have been around for a while.

You may feel tired, frustrated, overwhelmed and burnt out, or struggling with anxiety, panic attacks or stress. Maybe you feel you can’t influence anything anymore or “your hard drive is full”.

If that sounds like you, my programs can help you by taking a step-by-step approach to take stock of where you currently stand, how you want things to be different and what is good to hold onto. You will then be able to identify and envision where you want to go and take action to get there. You will also tackle heads on what gets into your way.

My Specialties

Click below to learn more about how I can help.
Burnout Recovery

Burnout Recovery

You can bring joy and excitement back into your life and feel good and re-energised. Burnout Recovery helps you to understand what your real challenge is and how you can resolve that to shift from high strain to more fulfilment. You will resolve the root cause of your burnout, learn empowering new ways to deal with troubling situations  and develop a new mindset which leads to more desired thinking, feeling and behaviours.

Anxiety Relief

Anxiety Relief

This is your support to let go of your fears. You can learn how to deal with anxiety when it arises and how to automatically switch to a positive focus.  You will discover the root causes of your fears and what triggers you into panic attacks. You can then rewire your mind and alter your anxious feelings, difficult thoughts or unwanted automatic behaviours towards more beneficial and positive ones.

3_Stress Management

Stress Management

Move towards your ideal life where you know what to focus on and how to create the work-life-balance that is right for you, so that you feel you have enough of everything. You will develop effective skills to cope and deal with all of your stress and discover things about yourself that you haven’t realised before. You will identify the drivers behind your actions and what makes you tick so that you can use that for your benefit in a way that feels natural to you.

Career Turnaround

Career Fulfilment

Find and grow into a job that really excites you and gives you the lifestyle you want. This program helps you to find your passion, create a more meaningful life that fulfils you and where you make a difference based on who you are. You get unstuck, create a clear picture of your life and design your path to your destination step-by-step.

Sometimes Life Does Not Go To Plan

You can turn around what is troubling you – and I am here to help.
It is tough when things are not moving anywhere and leave you behind stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated, stuck or you feel like ‘you can’t do this anymore’. You may feel there is something missing in your life or you may be struggling in your career or your role, which does not fulfil you. 

Maybe also demands placed on you by yourself or others are so high, that they are not manageable or you feel you are not good enough. All the things that are troubling you can place an enormous amount of stress on you. So, wouldn’t it be really helpful to hit the pause button for a while, get some relief and then take a fresh look, restart, find out what you want to do and then move from there? 

Hi, I’m Sabine and I am here to help you deal with your challenges from stress and anxiety to panic attacks and burnout. Once a good foundation and balance have been established, I can also help you make the next steps to move to the lifestyle you want. That can be adapting your current job, life or set-up as well as finding and moving to a new job that you are really excited about and that gives you the lifestyle you want. My mission is to help you find meaning, joy and excitement about life as well as passion for what you do, so that you feel good about yourself and who you are.

Let’s Talk

Ready to turn your life around and get onto the path to the life you want? 
Schedule yourself in my online scheduler today. In your free 30-minute call you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.