Burnout Recovery

Helping Executives, leaders and high-performing professionals to find meaning and joy in life again.

Do You Feel Tired, Exhausted and Ground Down?

It’s a tough place to be in. Burnout creeps up on you, leaving you feeling depleted, desperate, overwhelmed, and like everything is too much.

You are usually a hard worker with a lot of stamina and drive, dedicated to getting things over the line. You may be pursuing a career or life goal and want to be the best, meeting the highest standards – yet, it never feels good enough. Now you are down on yourself, feeling as if you are drowning, pushing yourself harder to get on top of things, only to become even more desperate.

You may feel like you have failed, asking yourself ‘what am I doing wrong and how could I possibly end up like this’. Your work has lost all meaning and life just feels empty or if something is missing. Maybe you also feel guilty for not not spending more time with the people you love.

In a world full of uncertainty, changes in your career, your role or your personal life, complex tasks, and high workload, fun and joy feel stripped out of life.

You may feel you have lost yourself and you can’t go on like this:

  • You are tired, frustrated and feel you can’t influence anything.
  • You need to step out of meetings or away from your work to go to the bathroom because you are tearing up.
  • “Your hard drive is full”, you can’t think anymore, sitting in front of your screen unable to get anything done.
  • Your Inbox is overflowing, your schedule is full and you can’t sleep anymore at night. You wake up with racing thoughts and by the time you doze off again, your alarm clock goes off telling you the night is over.

I want you to know that even though you may feel you have failed or are ashamed of not being able to manage everything, things in life happen.

Sometimes we need someone to talk to or to help us to sort it all out. It takes courage to face what you are going through, move forward and resolve what gets in your way. You might even think it’s not that bad yet, you don’t have the time, you need to tick off other things first, or you’ll wait a bit longer for it to get better, imagine what will happen if you continue like this?

There is a time to focus on yourself rather than on your work or others’ expectations. It is about getting back on track, finding balance, and turning things around. It is also an opportunity to learn from, to resolve what led you to this point and to create a life which is better than you thought it could ever get.

Find Answers And Get Your Life And Confidence Back

Burnout Recovery helps you to understand what your real challenge is and how you can resolve that to shift from high strain to more fulfilment.

coffee in a mug beside a pen and a paper saying work-life balance. This can be achieved through burnout recovery

You will:

  • Resolve the root cause of your problems instead of applying some flat rooted fixes on the surface
  • Recognise patterns that drive you and that you are unaware of to change them to set you up for success
  • Learn empowering new ways to deal with troubling situations
  • Develop your new mindset with desired thinking, feeling and behaviours

Burnout Recovery Can Help You To Create The Life You Want, So That You Feel Fulfilled And Good About Yourself.

Your life can be different. You can bring joy and excitement back into your life and feel good and re-energised.

Imagine your life where you…
• Have a more positive and hopeful outlook on life instead of feeling ground down.
• Figure out who you are and how you want to live.
• Be calm and confident, shaping the life you want.
• Feel good about yourself.
• Enjoy what you are doing.
• Feel excited, motivated, and ambitious.

Imagine you have arrived at your ideal life with a work-life-balance you are happy with, maybe even proud of.

You feel you have enough of everything – where life just feels right.

A woman experiencing burnout recovery sitting on a couch in her home. Her smiling face illustrates the feeling one can have after working with a burnout therapist.
Imagine that you are on your way to work in the morning and while you are getting your coffee you look at your calendar with ease. You are confident about your day as you know what to do and where to focus, excited to meet new clients and you actually enjoy what you are doing.

As you wrap up your day and walk out of your office, you look back at the day with satisfaction. You have accomplished what you set out to do and are now heading off to dinner with your best friends.

Hypnotherapy For Burnout Recovery

How does it work?

In 45–50-minute, online one-on-one sessions we work through a structured flow of steps,  with individual interventions tailored to you.

Hypnotherapy for Burnout Recovery entails conscious conversations for objective setting, planning and reflection. The other part is hypnosis to identify subconscious drivers, unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours. In the next step you will be guided to imagine and experience what it looks and feels like what you want to achieve.



We start your Burnout Recovery with a free 30-minute consultation so that you get to know me, I get a first understanding of your situation and I can create a preliminary treatment plan for you. In preparation for the consult and the following steps I will share forms and adequate assessments with you to fill-in.

Depending on your immediate issues with your burnout I will share initial helpful tools to help you unwind, improve your sleep and distance yourself from stressful situations. In this pre-talk we will only engage in a conscious conversation.



Explore & Describe

In this step in the first session, you describe your situation and the burnout you are facing, and we start working with the assessments. We will record your feelings, thoughts and behaviours in more depth as well as explore your personal history. You will identify your triggers and automatic behaviours that are detrimental, so that you get a good understanding of your autopilot, when and how it takes over. 

For the path forward you will identify the goals and outcomes you want to achieve, and which key indicators allow you to recognise that you have arrived at your destination.

You will start here to experience therapy under hypnosis to take the first steps towards altering thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a state of relaxation and focused attention.



Build Your Foundation

In this step you will start building your skills to directly apply and deal with stressful situations that overwhelm you and trigger unwanted automatic reactions, such as feeling attacked leading you to be unable to speak up, or the opposite attack back, or being overwhelmed with emotions and tearing up.

You will develop skills to deal with those stressful situations to break the circuit, stay calm and in control and act appropriately rather than jumping to a fight, running off to escape (and maybe hide in the bathroom) or freezing on the spot.

This is the foundation for subsequent interventions and paves the way to rewire your brain away from being on autopilot to taking control and getting back into the driver seat



Understand & Design

In this part you will experience a number of hypnotherapy interventions to connect to your subconscious and uncover the root cause that led to your burnout. You will also see how this root cause was a strong driving force to great success in your life. It now just got into overdrive and led to exhaustion.

Throttled to the right level, an achiever’s mindset and strong driving force are amazing strengths to propel you to success, and you will learn how to use those to work for you instead of against you. 

Following this, you will channel your unique inner strengths and creativity to design and create the life you want and live better than before. You will design what is important to you and how to balance all of this such as time to yourself, which role or job you want for work, family, sports, friends, hobbies, adventure and so on.

You will also review how much of the life you want overlaps with the one you have got, what you want to keep and what you have to change to get there. As part of this stage, you will resolve inner conflict, successfully dissolve self-doubt, resolve any beliefs about yourself that get in your way, limit or derail you and build up your confidence to navigate you to your ideal life.



Create & Re-enforce

You are now on your way to living your new life, with confidence in your abilities and beneficial emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Success comes with repetition and reinforcement of the new rewiring of your brain which over time feels more and more natural and becomes automatic as if it has always been this way.

You take action and see how the newly thoughts and feelings emerge in day-to-day situations. You move forward with taking action, feeling happy, relaxed, good about yourself and in the right place.


Hypnotherapy For Burnout Recovery FAQs

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses counselling and psychotherapy tools under hypnosis for you to most effectively deal with your burnout. It is specifically aiming to help you build your work-life balance, make life decisions on what is important in your life, how you want to live and what you want to do for work so that you enjoy what you are doing. It also helps you to resolve inner conflict and to alter beliefs that are holding you back so that you can move forward to achieve your goals and desired life.

The reputation of hypnosis has suffered in the past due to the so-called stage hypnosis where people were manipulated into doing all sorts of embarrassing things, so you might therefore also think of a pendulum swinging woo-woo hypnotist. Rest assured, I don’t have a pendulum and I am as far from esoteric, woo-woo magic and mind control as it gets. In fact, research and neuroscience show that Hypnosis is a powerful tool to change the activity level in certain areas of the brain and influence how the mind controls perception and the mind-body connection. It can positively change your awareness, thinking, beliefs, emotions, and behaviours.

How does Hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy works with a trance state that is similar to an everyday human experience such as immersing yourself in a good book or watching a film, going for a run, driving or walking somewhere without the recollection of how you got to your destination. In trance you are in a state of focussed attention, where you are immersed in your inner world, while you can still hear and respond.

A Hypnotherapy session always starts with a conscious conversation on how you are feeling. We may also use assessments to determine progress, reconnect to what happened since the last session as well as what the focus is for the current session. During the following hypnosis you enter a state of relaxation and inner concentration and connect with your subconscious. You can still hear, respond and you are in control. We work to meet your needs and achieve the set session objectives and overall goal by e.g., identifying the root causes and events that caused the stress cycle and led to your burnout to then change those feelings and thoughts and replace automatic behaviours.

You may also update your beliefs or find solutions to big life challenges by tapping into your inner creativity.

When is Hypnotherapy for Burnout Recovery needed?

As you may have experienced yourself, simply knowing something cognitively does not necessarily mean you can control your emotions around it such as fear of not being good enough or driven to push yourself over the limit. In Burnout Recovery you update your autopilot of go-to thoughts and automatic behaviours, without triggering an inner resistance. In other words, some people say to me “I know this is stupid, but I can’t help myself, this is just how it is for me.” The goal here is to effectively alter your beliefs and thoughts in a way that they then feel natural and right to you, so that you avoid having to fight battles with yourself or working against your instincts of what is right or wrong.

How long does Burnout Recovery take?

The duration of the treatment and number of required sessions is individual depending on your situation and the severity of your burnout. As Hypnotherapy for burnout recovery is considered a highly effective brief therapy, most treatments entail between 6-12 sessions. Most clients experience benefits of the treatment after the first 1-2 weeks.

How often should I have a session for Burnout Recovery?

One session every week or every other week is recommended to build on each other, continuously work towards outcomes and get the most out of the sessions for effectively relearning and rewiring your brain.

Get Started And Recover from Burnout

Ready to make the first step to turn things around and get better? 
If you are feeling depleted, exhausted and you don’t know how to go on, Burnout Recovery may help.

Start now to find meaning and joy and to create the life you want. During your free online consultation you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.