Career Fulfilment

Helping aspirational leaders to find and grow into a role they are really excited to make a difference while having the lifestyle they want.

Do You Feel Stuck In A Rut And Can’t Believe That This Is All What’s In Store For You?

You feel like you are just hanging in there, and if we are honest, it has been like this for a while.

You may be thinking just to keep pushing until the next sale is done, project delivered, acquisition accomplished or promotion secured. The only thing is, what then? 

You may feel stuck in a role you feel you do not want or simply can’t keep doing anymore, but you do not know what else to do after years and years of training or specialised experience. You may be stuck in a job or life that is draining and does not give you any meaning, joy or fulfilment, but on the other hand a comfortable certainty, that is hard to let go of.

Maybe you also feel frustrated, underappreciated and disengaged and want to do something else with your life, but with the lifestyle you have and want to maintain, a family to look after, or a mortgage to pay, the realities of life are kicking in and keeping you exactly where you are. 

Maybe the opposite is true and you very much loved your job. You may have been retrenched, or your job is now no longer as it was due to a restructure, losing your team, having to take on a new role, being demoted or being transitioned to a new company in a merger or acquisition. Wherever you ended up, nothing works as it used to and you feel stripped of all competences, influence and it feels like a major shock. 

Either way, what you are facing is draining and whatever you do does not make you feel good. There is no relief reached, and you are lacking the feeling of making a difference or having a purpose. You may experience high frustration, spinning your wheels, start to doubt yourself and maybe you also get anxious about how to go on and what to do, dreading the unknown. 

You may be thinking you want to find a role or job that gives you meaning and makes you happier, but you are shying away from even looking for a change as it feels safer and more comfortable to stay where you are. 

Find a Job That Excites You And Gives You the Lifestyle You Want

Get unstuck and imagine what life could look like.

An elegant woman in a striking red dress, strolling purposefully down a bustling city street with her luggage in tow. Her confident stride mirrors the transformative results of Career Fulfilment Coaching on her professional journey.

As your career coach, I can help you create a clear picture of your life and arrive at your destination.

Imagine a life where you could…

  • Be energised, motivated and confident.
  • Figure out what is missing and what direction to go in next.
  • Create a more meaningful life based on who you are and what you desire.
  • Be actually excited to get up in the morning and go to work.
  • Achieve your dream living in-line with what is really important to you.
  • Enjoy what you are doing and feel satisfied about  making a difference.
  • Be satisfied about having a lifestyle and making a living off work that you are passionate about and that fulfils you.

I have helped Executives and Senior Leaders to calm their mind, define their vision, build confidence and find and grow into roles they were excited about by moving jobs, moving roles, getting promoted, and achieving their goals.

Feel Fulfilled And Make A Difference Based On Who You Are

Imagine your story could read like one of the below…

As you lift your glass and cheer to your partner in celebration, it is slowly sinking in. You have been promoted to Managing Director leaning back and feeling so pleased with what you have achieved.

As you walk into the Boardroom and sit down on a chair, you are filled with a deep sense of purpose. After a few rounds of interviews you are here. You have finally made it to the place you have been dreaming of where you give back and make a difference representing people who can’t speak up for themselves. 

Imagine as you walk to the entrance and welcome former colleagues, you are so excited to show them around, as today they are the patrons of your own restaurant. 

Imagine you put down your bag and turn on the lights, your participants are getting ready for your class. After years in Corporate Finance you finally swapped the office for your own studio to teach yoga and mindfulness, helping people find their balance. 

As you sit at your laptop reading the email, you can hardly believe it. You grab your phone and text your best friends that your transfer has been approved. In a few months from now you will be off to your expat dream of living and working overseas.

An image of a radiant, smiling woman standing confidently against a neutral gray wall. Her genuine joy reflects the positive impact of Career Fulfilment Coaching on her professional journey.

How Does Career Fulfilment Coaching Work?

Follow a reassuring path of structured steps instead of having to climb a big mountain in one go all by yourself. This is as intimidating as it sounds and can be overwhelming, leading you back to square one of avoidance before you even got started.

In 45–50-minute, online one-on-one sessions we work through a structured flow of individual steps tailored to you.

Career Fulfilment entails coaching conversations for taking stock, setting objectives, planning and reflection. It also draws upon hypnotic tools and techniques as well as guided meditation to uncover root causes for limiting beliefs, self-doubt and self-sabotage to then create a vivid picture of your destination for the future, draw on your inner strengths to design how you get there, imagining and experiencing vividly what the life you want looks and feels like.


Getting to know you

We start your Career Fulfilment with a free 30-minute consultation so that you get to know me, I get a first understanding of your situation and we can identify if the program is a fit for you. In preparation for the call I might share some forms and questionnaires with you to fill-in.



Starting out

In this step over the first session, you describe your situation and where you are at. With my help and specific tools and techniques you will  set your objectives for the journey.



Build Your Foundation

In this step the program aims for you to offload emotions around where you stand, find focus and tackle heads-on any distractions or avoidance that might creep in. Maybe you are worried or scared and procrastinating, so we start with inner work to create a calm foundation and redirect your attention away from any distractions or avoidance to focus on opportunity. 

You will discover things about yourself that drive you and that you haven’t realised before. You will identify what is important to you, drivers behind your actions and what makes you tick so that you can use that for your benefit in a way that feels natural to you.  

This is the foundation for subsequent exercises, steps and taking actions. It paves the way to rewire your brain away from being on autopilot, self-limiting or self-sabotaging, distracting yourself, avoiding, procrastinating and getting stuck in your tracks, to take control, focus and make conscious choices.



Create Opportunities

You will bounce off ideas, further define your structured path to your goal and draw out which steps are required. This part is mainly focused on brainstorming and opening up a whole world of opportunities on how to get to your desired life of meaning, joy, fulfilment, money, rewards, lifestyle or other elements in whatever priority that is right for you. Especially in this step you create a structured funnel for opportunities, networks, and other items to filter what is helpful, suitable and worth pursuing and what is not. 

Some people shy away from this step as it triggers avoidance back into safety to not have to change anything. Important here is to keep in mind that being open and talking to people does not mean you are running from your current job or situation right away.

It just means you are having conversations and opening the door to opportunities to come through. If you are not able to do that, you may have to entirely rely on coincidence.

For this reason, you will also develop effective skills in this part to cope and deal with situations where fear flares up.



Take Action

You have defined your objectives previously and broken them down into steps. Now it is time to move forward, take action and pursue the opportunities. You will again work on your mindset to minimise and dissolve inner blockers and maintain  your focus on achieving your desired career and life.

You are now on your way to living your new life, with confidence in your abilities and beneficial emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Success comes with consistency and your thoughts, emotions and behaviours feel more and more natural over time becoming automatic as if they have always been this way.

Even if you are usually not comfortable opening up to people to discuss issues, don’t want to invest or don’t have time, Career Fulfilment can be a way to get onto that journey to a successful career and fulfilling life.

You may find it normal that life is like that, or you maybe you can’t envision anything any differently, this program starts with building a mindset first that allows you to have a vision, set goals, take action, end self-sabotage and arrive at your success and life that you want.


Career Coaching FAQs

What is Hypno-Coaching?
Hypno-Coaching combines Solution Focused (Systemic) Coaching with tools and techniques from hypnosis, guided meditation and imagery for you to most effectively deal with inner blockers, unwanted feelings, thoughts and behaviours that impede your success or derail you from your goal. It is specifically aiming to release emotions, build a confident mindset, create opportunity, make important life decisions so that you enjoy what you are doing. It also gives you tools to deal with difficult situations when fear flares up. It helps you to resolve inner conflict and to alter beliefs that hold you back so that you can move forward to achieve your goals and arrive at your desired life.
How does Hypno-Coaching work?
Hypno-Coaching entails as one part conscious coaching conversations with questions for exploring your situation, set goals, planning and taking action. The other part infuses tools and techniques from hypnosis, guided meditation and imagery to open up your mind to creativity and alter the thinking without thinking. That means those automatic thoughts and feelings that emerge in your mind and trigger fear, stress and unwanted behaviours such as avoidance, procrastination or self-sabotage. There is no loss of control or mind control of any sort involved, as all techniques are guided by yourself and I am only leading you to use them at will.
When is Hypno-Coaching for Career Fulfilment especially beneficial?
As you may have experienced yourself, simply knowing something cognitively does not necessarily mean you can control your emotions such as fear of the unknown, not being good enough, missing out or being rejected. With Hypno-Coaching you update your autopilot of go-to thoughts and automatic behaviours while avoiding or minimising an inner resistance. In other words, some people say to me “I can’t help myself, I want to do something but then I am stopping in my tracks, unable to move or do anything.” The goal here is to effectively alter your beliefs and thoughts in a way that they then feel natural and right to you, so that you avoid or minimise having to fight battles with yourself or working against your instincts of what is right or wrong.
How long does a Career Fulfilment program take?
The duration of the program for most people is 8 – 12 sessions over 6-9 months.
How often should I have a session for Career Coaching?
One session every other week is recommended to keep momentum, continuously work towards outcomes and get the most out of the journey.

Get Started With Coaching For Career Fulfilment

Ready to make the first step to turn around your career and move towards the lifestyle you want?
If you feel stuck in a rut and want to create a life of more meaning, fulfilment and living the lifestyle you want, Career Fulfilment may be the path to success for you.

Start now to get unstuck, release unwanted emotions and change behaviours to get excited and create the life you want. During your free online consultation you can share about your situation, what your goals may look like and we can explore how I can help.