Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Relief

Stop panic attacks and resolve anxiety so that you can regain control, feel confident and be excited about life.

Looking Inside You, Do You Feel Insecure, Scared And Constrained?

Anxiety makes you feel like a victim, powerless to fear that is taking over and rushing through you.

It may feel as if an old tape is running in the background or an autopilot switches on and then fear takes over. Maybe you also have severe panic attacks taking hold of you.

You may feel stuck in negativity or in feelings of frustration, constantly ruminating and worrying about the same topics, unable to switch off. 

You may feel insecure and anxious at work, terrified of being a failure for not achieving your targets or meeting a deadline. You are panic-stricken by feedback, doubting your abilities, decisions, and actions constantly second guessing if you are good enough. All of which makes you feel even more anxious and insecure and the anxiety cycle keeps going on.

You may equally dread other people for instance your leadership, your clients, colleagues or even your own team. As you feel attacked by the behaviour of others you sometimes have to escape, by rushing out of a meeting or hanging up on a call.
Maybe you can’t go to work or had to head back home mid-way in panic last time you tried thinking ‘I can’t do this’.

You might have also had to leave other places because you felt the walls closed in on you and you felt you had to get away

If you feel like any of the above, you might not want to share your insecurities with anyone. Many people with anxiety find it difficult to open up. However, therapy and coaching provide a supportive space for you to talk freely about your challenges and help you to manage calmly and confidently what comes up in your life.

Anxiety Hypnotherapy Can Help You To Let Go Of Your Fears

You can learn how to deal with anxiety when it arises and how to automatically switch to a positive focus.  You will discover the root causes of your fears and what triggers you into panic attacks. You can then rewire your mind and alter your anxious feelings, difficult thoughts or unwanted automatic behaviours towards more beneficial and positive ones.

Hands holding a paper with the words 'Let's start the journey' written on it, against the backdrop of a tranquil beach scene. This image symbolizes the beginning of a transformative path towards anxiety relief through hypnotherapy.

You can learn to:
• Stop worrying for good.
• Have a calm mind, free from panic attacks.
• Feel amazing, excited about life and positive about your abilities to create the life you  want for yourself.
• Feel comfortable and relaxed.
• Feel powerful and have more energy.

Imagine your life free from anxiety, where you think calmly about solutions, then you decide and take action.

You stay focused on what you want to do as anxiety is a thing of the past.

Imagine if you could just go for that interview, for that role or that job, or maybe reduce work hours to spend more time on hobbies, sports, with your family, on what you want to do to follow your real passion. With a calm mindset you can work towards and achieve that, feeling confident in your abilities to create the life you want instead of keeping safe but also stuck in the same old rut avoiding any action out of fear.

You Can Be Calm, Confident, In Control And Excited About Life

Your life can be different. You can bring joy and excitement back into your life and feel good and re-energised.

You can create a more meaningful life based on who you are and what you desire, free from any fears getting in your way. Even if you are anxious about trusting a stranger with your deepest fears, Anxiety Relief may be able to help. I have helped my clients struggling with anxiety to develop a calm mind, become confident, take action to be successful, enjoy life again and feel amazing.

Every journey is different and every client experience is one of its own, nevertheless you can find examples taken from client experiences to spark imagination of what is possible.

Imagine you stretch out in your bed in the morning, pull back the sheets and feel refreshed after a restful night of deep sleep, actually looking forward to the day.

You get ready to leave the house, look at your calendar and calmly make your way to the office, enjoying the sunshine on your drive.

A woman stands at the beach with her eyes closed. It represents the calm that one can feel after hypnotherapy for anxiety relief.
Imagine as you walk into the conference room and meet a new client you confidently clarify expectations and easily manage the conversation. While you walk back to your desk, you are pleased with yourself looking forward to the interesting work
ahead of you.

Imagine, you meet your manager to discuss critical client feedback on a program you crafted. As you are sitting in that meeting room you suddenly realise how very differently you feel. Instead of panicking, being upset and freezing or having to escape the scene, you stay calm, listen and just make the necessary changes. No dramas, you think afterwards as you wrap up your day and make your way home to enjoy your evening and chill out.

Hypnotherapy For Anxiety Relief

How does it work?

In 45–50-minute, online one-on-one sessions we work through a structured flow of steps,  with individual interventions tailored to you. 

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Relief entails conscious conversations for objective setting, planning and reflection. The other part is hypnosis to identify the causes for subconscious drivers, unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours that incinerate your anxiety and panic. In the next step you will be guided to imagine and experience what it looks and feels like what you want to achieve.



We start your Anxiety Relief with a free 30-minute consultation so that you get to know me, I get a first understanding of your situation and I can create a preliminary treatment plan for you.

In preparation for the consult and the following steps I will share forms and adequate assessments with you to fill-in. I will also give you initial helpful tools to help you relax, stop ruminating and improve your sleep. In this pre-talk we will only engage in a conscious conversation.



Explore & Describe

In this step in the first session, you describe your situation around your anxiety or panic attacks in more detail. We start working with the assessments and we will record your feelings, thoughts and behaviours in more depth as well as explore your personal history.

You will identify your triggers and automatic behaviours that are detrimental, so that you get a good understanding of your autopilot, when and how it takes over leading to fear, anxiety or panic attacks.

For the path forward you will identify the goals and outcomes you want to achieve, and which key indicators allow you to recognise that you have arrived at your destination. 

You will start here to experience therapy under hypnosis to take the first steps towards altering thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a state of relaxation and focused attention.



Build Your Foundation

In this step you will start building your skills to directly apply and deal with stressful situations that overwhelm you and trigger fear or panic. You will develop skills to deal with those stressful situations to break the circuit, stay calm, in control and act appropriately rather than going down the anxious route, running off to escape (and maybe hide in the bathroom) or freeze on the spot unable to speak or do anything.

This is the foundation for subsequent interventions and paves the way to rewire your brain away from being on autopilot to taking control and conscious action.



Understand & Design


In this part you will experience a number of hypnotherapy interventions to connect to your subconscious and uncover the root cause of your anxiety. You will also see how this root cause has been helpful in your life and contributed to your success. You will recognise where alertness has helped you to be very thorough, thoughtful and deliver great quality outcomes with high commitment and dedication.

You will learn how to use all of this to work for you instead of against you and how to set the right level of attention without your fears going into overdrive and taking over control. 

Following this, you will use your unique inner strengths and creativity to design and create the life you want and feel freer than before. You will also review how much of the life you want overlaps with the one you have got, what you want to keep and what you want to change to get there.

As part of this stage, you will resolve inner conflict, successfully dissolve self-doubt, resolve any self-beliefs that get in your way, limit or derail you and build up your confidence to navigate you to your ideal life.



Create & Re-enforce

You are now on your way to living your new life, with confidence in your abilities and beneficial emotions, thoughts and behaviours. Success comes with repetition and reinforcement of the new rewiring of your brain which over time feels more and more natural and becomes automatic as if it has always been this way.

You take action and see how the newly thoughts and feelings emerge in day-to-day situations. You move forward with taking action, feeling happy, relaxed, good about yourself and in the right place.


Hypnotherapy For Anxiety Relief FAQ

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses counselling and psychotherapy tools under hypnosis for you to most effectively deal with your anxiety and panic. It is specifically aiming to help you build your inner balance, make life decisions, and help you to establish how you want to live so that you experience joy. It also helps you to resolve inner conflict and to alter beliefs that are holding you back so that you can move forward to achieve your goals and desired life.

The reputation of hypnosis has suffered in the past due to the so-called stage hypnosis where people were manipulated into doing all sorts of embarrassing things, so you might therefore also think of a pendulum swinging woo-woo hypnotist. Rest assured, I don’t have a pendulum and I am as far from esoteric, woo-woo magic and mind control as it gets. In fact, research and neuroscience show that Hypnosis is a powerful tool to change the activity level in certain areas of the brain and influence how the mind controls perception and the mind-body connection. It can positively change your awareness, thinking, beliefs, emotions, and behaviours.

How does Hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy alters the thinking without thinking – the automatic thoughts and feelings that emerge in your mind. You learn how to relieve stress and tension, stay calm, unwind and re-energise and you start feeling pleased and good about yourself. There is no loss of control or mind control of any sort involved, as all hypnosis is self-hypnosis that you learn to enter at will with my guidance.
Hypnotherapy works with a trance state that is similar to an everyday human experience when immersing yourself in a good book or watching a film, going for a run, driving or walking somewhere without the detailed recollection of how you got to your destination. In trance you are in a state of focussed attention, where you are immersed in your inner world, while you can still hear and respond.

A Hypnotherapy session always starts with a conscious conversation on how you are feeling. We may also use assessments to determine progress, reconnect to what happened since the last session as well as what the focus is for the current session. During the following hypnosis you enter a state of relaxation and inner concentration and connect with your subconscious. You can still hear, respond and you are in control. We work to meet your needs and achieve the set session objectives and overall goal by e.g., identifying the root causes and events that led to your anxiety to then change those feelings, thoughts and anxious reactive behaviours.

You may also update your beliefs or find solutions to big life challenges by tapping into your inner creativity.

When is Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Relief needed?

As you may have experienced yourself, simply cognitively thinking that you do not want to be afraid anymore at work or in an argument with your partner does not control your emotions, nor does it dissolve anxiety or keep panic attacks at bay. Some people say to me “There is this fear and I can’t help myself, it kicks in and takes over.” The goal here is to effectively alter your emotions and transform the perception of what represents a threat in a way that feels natural and above all safe to you. This will over time remediate anxiety and panic attacks and minimise or avoid that you have to fight inner battles with yourself or feel as if you are working against your instincts.

How long does Hypnotherapy for Anxiety take?

The duration of the treatment and number of required sessions is individual depending on your situation and the degree of your anxiety. As Hypnotherapy is considered a highly effective brief therapy, most treatments entail between 6-12 sessions. Most clients experience benefits of the treatment after the first 1-2 weeks.

How often should I have a session for Hypnotherapy for Anxiety Relief?

One session every week or every other week is recommended to build on each other, continuously work towards outcomes and get the most out of the sessions for effectively relearning and rewiring your brain.

Get Started And Relieve Your Fears

Ready to make the first step to turn things around and take control in your life? 
If you are suffering from anxiety, feeling insecure, scared or constrained,
Anxiety Relief may help.

Take the first steps to feeling calm, confident, in control and start getting excited about life. During your free online consultation you can share what’s going on for you and we can explore how I can help.